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IAT 410: Personal Progress Week 3

For this week, my main focus was to finish all the task that I set out to do from last week which was converting some of my existing sketches from the past week for character designs and drawings movements for main character in order to be used in the GDD.

For the character design drawing, there was no changes to the overall design of the character except for refining the sketch to be make the details of character more visible. For in gamed movements, I flushed out the actions a bit more, drawing out not only what type of actions the players are capable of executing, but also how the characters look like while performing each movement. Along with the character, I also designed the enemies that will appear in our game such as the boss and basic enemies and also their movement type and abilities.

Some additional drawings I also made for this week was concept art for the gameplay's user interface such as what they will see while playing the game. What I wanted to define in my user interface drawing is what perspective players will see while playing the game, monsters that will appear in the game, overall game environment look and feel and also where life bar of character will appear.

This week I did not have much time to work on and complete the script of the story, so for this week my goal is to work on the script and come up with more dialogue that will appear in each section of the game and also flush out the story a bit more. If I have more time extra time, I will try to do some drawings for cutscenes that will be used in the game.



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