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IAT 410: Personal Progress Week 11

For this week, my main priority was to help the team with some of the assets in the game such as creating skybox since in our previous weeks there was issue with the brightness of the game. Other than that I was also asked to create some different skyboxes for the beginning levels and also the last level.

For the new beginning levels, our concept was that in the beginning of the game, the architecture of the game should be minimalistic and also polygon like in order to represent the character's memory being incomplete. So in order to match that direction of the game, I created a skybox that was more polygon like on photoshop that had no amount of detail such as stars. For the second level, I have already completed the skybox in previous week but had to edit it to be brighter since it was too dark to view enemies in the game. For the last level, once the character attains back all their memory, the world should be more detailed but still have some sort of essence of previous level such as technology theme. So for the art, I chose to do a more night starry sky with a rip in the center of the sky in order to represent that the character memory is almost completely recovered but at the same time indicate to the player that they are still within the character's system.

For next week, my main focus is to complete the initial drawings for the cutscenes of the game just to show the audience what art direction we are going for and also how it is implemented with the gameplay.



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