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IAT 410: Personal Progress Week 5

For this week, I did not have the time to work on the script for the story as I was focussed on revising our GDD from the previous week. One of the major issues within our GDD was the narrative flowboard, where we designed a flowchart instead of the flowboard. We also did not draw and sketches or concept art to showcase the story in a visual manner which left people unable to visualize the overall story concept.

So for our narrative flowboard, I took what we had written from the previous week and tried simplifying and condensing each section of the story so it would be easier to grasp and understand within couple of sentence. After I finished with condensing the content, I began to draw the concept art for each section, showcasing what each character looks like and what the environment will look like and create a more compelling narrative that people will want to know and give them more incentive to play the game. For the artistic style of the concept art, I chose a black and white type of drawing to highlight the key element within each image to understand the context of each scene. To make my job quicker and more efficient, I found some brushes in order to draw some of the architecture and environment to save some time.

For the next couple of week, my priority is to finished writing the script of the story so we can begin creating cutscenes for the story. Other than that I will also focus on creating more visual assets refining existing ones that will be used in the game, whether it is shell ui or other assets such as weapons and health if needed for my group.



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