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IAT 410: Personal Progress Week 7

This week for IAT 410 final project, my personal progress consisted of several things. First of all I was assigned to finished some level designs for our video game and also I was asked to design some different assets for some gameplay mechanics.

For the level design, I was asked to design the first and second level. My thought process behind the level design was trying to think of how to implement the idea of ramps by combining all our different gameplay mechanic elements into each level. For the first level, it is meant to be a tutorial level, so the level revolves around how to teach the player all the different gameplay mechanics for the Athena's memory such as different movement mechanics and attacking elements and made it more difficult as the player progresses through the level. For my second level, I took the previous concept for the first level and elevated it even further, creating more difficult puzzles and obstacles to refine players abilities in the game and maintain their interest by introducing change in the game.

For the gameplay assets, I was asked to do some minor updates such as create target ui assets and also sword attack swing effect. For the target ui, I wanted to make the target red to give more visual cue to the players so that they can identify enemies as being focussed. For the sword attack I wanted to show a stronger and more interesting colour so I decided to do a gradient with the mixture of yellow and red.

For next week, my priority will be set on creating more levels and refining previous levels that I have created for the game and creating the document for them with all their details.



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